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Kristin &

Somatic Experiencing

About Kristin


I grew up in the German countryside where running around, playing with the local cats and climbing trees were the main activities available to kids. Bullied by my teachers, I preferred my freedom and learning from nature rather than school. Perhaps it was for that reason that I followed a more unusual career path, motivated by a personal quest for true connection to myself and the world, body and mind confidence and overall empowerment.


I moved to the UK, went to University and gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts & Cultural Management. Working in this sector for a few years I still felt compelled to continue exploring movement and physical expression. I qualified in manual therapy, NLP coaching and Pilates teaching and subsequently became an anatomy lecturer in the fitness industry and a member of the Polestar Pilates UK education team, where I supported Pilates teachers in training for many years.


In my private practice I always felt particularly passionate about helping people whose recovery or goals are not so straight forward. Dr. Peter Levine’s work "Somatic Experiencing", which is based in studies of how animals in the wild maintain mental and physical resilience in the constant eye of danger, has been a huge influence for me. It has allowed me to offer science-based and new solutions to my clients. Now Somatic Experiencing is the main modality I use to help my clients and I assist on SE Training courses in the UK to cenment and refine my skill and support professionals in integrating SE into their practice. 


Kristin Loeer Movement Specialist
Kristin Loeer Aerial Hoop

I am lucky to have been able to learn from Peter Levine himself, as well as from other inspiring practitioners, such as Dr. Maggie Phillips (author of “Freedom from Pain” and “Reversing Chronic Pain”), human rigths activist and somatic therapist Ditte Marcher and Movement Specialist and Trauma Therapist Betsy Polatin (author of “The Actor’s Secret” & "Humanual").


My own journey has allowed me to address the things in myself that could have held me back and enables me to live a full life now, where I can help others. Some of the things I enjoy the most in life, besides inspiring and helping others, are cosy nights in, science fiction, practising aerial arts and connecting with animals and nature.

Kristin Loeer Nervous System in Motion

About Kristin's Approach


My approach is a creative mixture of several modalities that I have found effective in improving physical and mental health. The main influence in my work is Somatic Experiencing (SE). SE is a body-focused approach to building resilience and resolving trauma. It suggests that our mental and physical well-being are profoundly interlinked through our autonomic nervous system (ANS). Our ANS regulates all basic and instinctive functions of our body and is the source of our survival responses.


Another key aspect in my work is movement and physiological expression. My extensive background in therapeutic movement coaching and manual therapy gives me an in-depth understanding of movement patterning and how to support those who struggle with injury or permanent physical impairment to regain physical function. Other influences in my work are Bodynamics Somatic Developmental Psychology, Parts Work, Feldenkrais and Alexander Technique. 


My approach can help anyone who is willing to connect to their body, to explore a more resourceful, coherent and expansive self.


It is ideal for anyone suffering with anxiety, burnout, stress, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, autoimmune disorders and complex syndromes. All of these can be results of a struggling ANS. My somatic approach can offer support in managing permanent conditions and promote healing where it is possible.


As an artist myself I particularly enjoy helping creative professionals connect to their most productive and inspired self as well as supporting performers with in-depth explorations of personal material.


To find out more about Somatic Experiencing please read on below. 



Kristin Loeer Polestar Mentor
About Somatic Experiencing
"I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakening—a portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation." - Dr. Peter Levine
Somatic Experiencing

What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing (SE), developed by Dr. Peter Levine, is a body focused therapeutic approach used to grow resilience and heal the impact of trauma and traumatic stress.  Besides its application in trauma healing SE can generally help to restore our sense of inner balance, presence, wellbeing, embodiment, true aliveness and our ability to connect with our own empowerment.


What can Somatic Experiencing help me with? 

  • Self-Development, Accessing Your True Potential, Finding inner Balance

  • Chronic Symptoms or altered behaviour after an accident or an injury.

  • Anxiety, Stress, Burnout, Exhaustion, Depression, PTSD

  • Chronic Pain, Chronic Tension, Disembodiment, Fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders and complex Syndromes


How does Somatic Experiencing work?

SE explores all aspects of human experience within the felt sense of the body, its movements and expressions and the beliefs and meanings we attach to these. This approach "facilitates the completion of self-protective motor responses and the release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body, thus addressing the root cause of trauma symptoms. This is approached by gently guiding clients to develop increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions." (


What happens in a Somatic Experiencing Session?

Usually both you and I will be seated during the session. I will guide and support you in safely exploring a relevant past experience or a sensation, feeling or believe you have. As SE is not a pure talking therapy this exploration will always link back to your felt sense and I may also offer a form of non invasive, therapeutic touch or invite you to stand up or to explore a movement. The general pace of SE is slow and I will always make sure that you are fully comfortable and exploring on a level that feels safe. 


Where can I learn more about Somatic Experiencing?

Visit or read "In an Unspoken Voice" or "Waken the Tiger" by Dr. Peter Levine.

  • Privacy Policy
    Privacy Policy The privacy, confidentiality and safety of all data and information you share with me is of extreme importance to me. I am 100% transparent about how I store and process any data you provide and I inform you about all options you have, so that you can be confident that the privacy and security of your data is ensured at all times. Wix My website, through which you may contact me or, at times, book your sessions is hosted by Wix is a third-party service, may use cookies and may store some of your details on a secure server, protected by firewalls. Please refer to wix privacy policy for more information on how Wix stores and protects your data. You have the option to contact me via email or phone, rather than through the wix website. You have the option to book classes and sessions through me directly, using direct bank transfer or, rather than the wix booking service. You can provide additional information about your contact details and health history, by requesting a pdf form, rather than filling in the online form during the booking process on WIx. Mailchimp Mailchimp is a popular industry tool, used for email marketing via its newsletter templates. Mailchimp is a third-party service and I use it in order to be able to keep those who opt in/ sign up for the newsletter informed about updates, new classes and services on a regular basis (about once a month). For this reason Mailchimp stores your email address. Please refer to Mailchimp's privacy policy for more details on how your email information is stored and kept safe. You have the option to opt in or out of receiving my newsletter, which means that Mailchimp will not store your email address unless you indicate that you wish to receive my newsletter. Information collected and processed by me Should we decide to work together I will collect, process and securely store only information relating to you that I need in order to safely and effectively do my job as a therapeutic coach and student Psychotherapist in line with regulations by the UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy). These are: - the information you provide on your filled in client form - your signed terms of practice - session process notes - occasional extra information (for example a copy of a medical report or journal extracts you share with me) All information I hold relating to you is stored securely for 7 years from the last point of contact you made with me (this is in line with UKCP regulations). After this time it will be securely destroyed. You can request access to the information I hold on you any time and you will receive the information within a month of your request. I do not share your information with third parties, (except as mentioned below), unless you request this personally, for example in case of referral. Exceptions to the rule For best practice I am required to undertake regular supervision in which I may discuss your case. Also, if you disclose any information to me that informs me about a severe risk to your own or another person's safety I may be required to take this information to the relevant authorities. Courts also can request information from me that are relevant for legal inquiries. How I might contact you Unless you give specific instructions in regards to how you want to/do not want to be contacted I will use your provided email or phone number to contact you. You may also opt in or out of being included in my email newsletter listing to be informed about news, changes and timetabling. You may request not to be contacted at any point, which will be respected. Updated: 31/07/23
  • Terms of Practice
    Terms of Practice What is Somatic Experiencing: Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a naturalistic and holistic, psychotherapeutic model, developed by Dr. Peter Levine. SE is effectively used in the treatment of trauma (incl. both PTSD and C-PTSD), as well as being a tool to build body awareness, resilience, authenticity and presence. Very often this process helps people reduce limiting symptoms and patterns of belief or behavior and to gain a sense of regulation and mastery in their lives. If you would like to read more about SE, visit or read In an Unspoken Voice by Dr. Peter Levine. My Approach: I'm a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner with a background and further qualifications in Movement Coaching, Therapeutic Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Remedial Exercise and Manual Therapy. I am also a Psychotherapist currently working towards accreditation with UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy). With your permission I may sometimes draw upon these other modalities where appropriate during our SE sessions. Risks: SE is a gentle and slow paced process of self inquiry. You play an active role in the session and should feel empowered to notify me of any resistance to, or discomfort with the process. Even though SE is designed to help you resource and engage with manageable amounts of discomfort, you may experience challenging feelings, images, or thoughts at times. Sometimes when you start working with SE you may feel a little destabilized at first and find that your symptoms increase slightly in the 48 hours after a session. This can happen when we use a new process to get in touch with difficulties we are holding inside. We will do our best to minimize these side effects together and usually they will subside once you are getting used to the process and find your rhythm. However if you are worried feel free to contact me. Furthermore, as with any treatment, there can be no guarantee that you will reach your goals. It is reasonable to expect improvement and positive change, however this is dependent on an open collaborative process and good communication. Privacy Notice: I will collect, process and securely store only information relating to you that you willingly provide and that I need in order to safely and effectively do my job as a therapeutic coach and Psychotherapist in training in line with regulations by the UKCP. Information I collect and safely store: - the information you provide on your client intake form - your signed terms of practice - session process notes - occasional extra information (for example a copy of a medical report or journal extracts you share with me.) I do not share your information with third parties, unless you request this personally, for example in case of referral. There are however a few exceptions to this rule. For best practice I am required to undertake regular supervision in which I may discuss your case. Also, if you disclose any information to me that informs me about a severe risk to your own or another person's safety I may be required to take this information to the relevant authorities. Courts also have the right to request information relating to your therapeutic process. For my full privacy policy please visit Session Format & Structure: Usually sessions are 50 minutes long and are conducted online or in person and on a 1-1 basis. SE sessions are usually done seated but can involve standing, lying down or moving. SE also can include touch work where appropriate. Every session aims to start and end in a settled and present state. One of the differences between SE and Psychotherapy is that in SE we speak from our experiences, not about our experiences. Speaking from experience may include non-verbal communication, such as expression, posture or recognition of, and response to emotions and sensations. Speaking from experience requires us to slow down, pause the story and shift to resourceful topics or activities at times in order to honor our nervous system’s capacity to contain and process what we are working with. This is how we prevent re-traumatisation while also finally becoming able to release deep rooted trauma from the body. Touch: Touch can be a powerful tool to speak to the nervous system directly and provide a deep sense of support, connection, awareness, feedback and learning. SE touch is subtle, basic, clear and always under your control. Physical manipulation or massage are not part of this work. You will always be asked before being touched and have the right and my full support to decline it or to ask for it. SE sessions can focus entirely on touch work seated or lying down, however we would discuss the appropriateness and applications of this together before deciding on this option. Touch can also be explored in the form of imagined touch or self touch, for example when working online. Payment: The fee for SE sessions is £70 per session. You can pay for several sessions in advance or for one session at a time based on what suits you. Payment for each session has to be made a minimum of 48 hours before the start of the session. I may offer discounted online sessions to those in financial difficulty, however availability for these sessions per week is limited. Please get in touch with me to find out if concession rates are available. Payment can be made via bac, wise, cash or via a hidden pay button on my website. Frequency and Duration: In most cases Somatic Experiencing is long term therapeutic work and in order to be effective in processing trauma and creating change requires 6 months to 3 years of consistent work. I strongly recommend a commitment to a minimum of 6 sessions over 6 weeks at the beginning. It takes this amount of time and consistency to safely explore how SE works and to feel the potential it holds for you. After this period it is an option to reduce the frequency to fortnightly sessions. After your 5th session we will review our progress. This is the time for you to honestly communicate to me how you feel the sessions are going and it is an opportunity for us to discuss what may need to be changed or tweaked and how we want to move forward. We will aim to review our progress again at session 10 and every 10 sessions thereafter. In rare cases short term work or less frequent sessions may be appropriate for more simple short term goals. maintenance goals or to process a shock trauma (i.e. a fall or accident). Please be aware that complex post traumatic stress (C-PTSD) and complex health syndromes (i.e. CFS, Fibromyalgia, MCAS, EDS…) realistically require long term therapy to heal. Cancellations and Conclusion: Once you start sessions you will have a regular appointment, which is reserved for you. These scheduled sessions can still be changed or canceled if needs be, however I ask that all efforts are being made to commit to the sessions as we arrange them, as this time is now reserved for you and I may not be able to reallocate the time slot if you cancel or reschedule at short notice. If you need to cancel a session however, please let me know at least 48 hours before the appointment. If you cancel later a cancellation fee of 100% of the hourly rate may apply. If you wish to terminate sessions you can do so at any point. However I ask that you notify me one month in advance of your plans to terminate therapy, so that we are able to tie up loose ends and conclude the work together in the most useful and beneficial way. Giving me a few weeks notice of your plans also makes it possible for me to give your time slot to a new client. Illness: My 48 hour cancellation policy does not apply if you are canceling an in-person session due to infectious illness. I promise to do the same. Late Coming: I will always do my best to start sessions on time. Should I fail to be able to do so we will have the option to run over the scheduled time or to add the missed time to a later session. If you are running late for a session and I have not heard from you 10 minutes into the session please understand that I will move on to other things and may no longer be available. Updated: 26.06.24
  • Terms & Cons for Online Group Classes
    Terms & Conditions for Online Group Classes Classes, once booked are non-refundable. As I am not physically with you, you carry responsibility for your own safety. Please feel free to consult me in the class if you would like guidance or support on a particular issue or movement, just as you would in a real class. However please understand that this can only happen to a small degree in a group class. I am happy to give you more support in a 1-1 based session. It is your responsibility to notice any pain or discomfort you may experience and to stop the activity if something does not feel safe to you and to seek advice or support from me. Please be mindful of your home environment when you join a class as any interruption in your home space may cause disruption for others in the class, unless you mute your microphone. Therefore please switch other devices to silent and let family members know not to interrupt you. I can not take responsibility for ensuring a stable internet connection and technology operating smoothly at your end. If you can not participate in a class for such reasons you will still receive the video recording of the class. Should technology fail all of us, or should I be unable to provide you with a decent quality class due to internet issues or technology quality problems you will have the option to be refunded or to transfer your booking to a different class. We may also decide to reschedule the class together. Updated: 31.07.23
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Suite 6, 8 Madeira Ave.
Leigh on Sea, SS9 3EB



Tel: 0044 07835 687719

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Suite 6, 8 Madeira Ave.
Leigh on Sea, SS9 3EB



Tel: 0044 07835 687719

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© 2024 by Kristin Loeer - Somatic Coach & Movement Specialist

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